
At Wood Acres Airpark, there are options to build along the runway or the taxiway. To the right is the map of the airpark and the available lots, and to the left is the location of the Airpark itself. We will update this map periodically to reflect current availability, but please contact Jason Chinn to determine if the lot you are interested in is available. 


We are thrilled with all the new owners that have bought lots in 7MO1 Wood Acres Airpark and appreciate those that had the faith to share in our vision. 

 To create a low density, open backcountry atmosphere that celebrates the beauty of the surroundings and creates a unique haven for like-minded families and aviation enthusiasts. 

We officially opened sales in 2021 and are fortunate that we are getting close to being sold out. There are only 3 remaining Hangarminium Lots and 1 Residential Lot available for sale. Prices on the remaining Lots will be raised in the beginning of 2025. 

Lots 7 through 11 Phase 1 and lot 5 Phase 2 are Hangarminium Lots.

Lots 2 through 6 Phase 1 and Lots 2-2 thru 4-2 & 6-2 thru 8-2 Phase 2 are Residence Lots.

(Phase 2 is denoted as #-2)